Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My 1st Post!

Hello, my name is Hondo. As you can see, I am a dog. I thought I'd start my blog by posting a couple of photos of my friends

This is Chopstick. We live together. She's pretty old (13!!), so at first, it was a little hard for me to know how to play with her. I enjoy herding her around the house, but my owner doesn't care for that. Now, I figured out that if I take my Kong toy and run up to Chopstick, she will chase me! Boy, she is elderly, but she can still run! She chases me right into my crate or, if we are outside,
she chases me around an old tree stump. I love Chopstick!

This is Serena. She also goes by Ming Ming. I didn't think I would like cats, but she's pretty cool. I like to chase her around. Most of the time, she hides underneath the kitchen table and swats at me. But sometimes she comes out to play. I go right up to her as close as I can and she smacks me right on the nose!! Good thing she doesn't have claws. She always hisses at me, but I think she is warming up to me. At nighttime, while our people watch tv, Ming Ming, Chopstick, and I all sleep next to each other.

I hope you enjoyed meeting my friends!

Until next time (woof)


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